
New, Highly-Requested Feature – Coming This Spring

We are very excited to introduce a new feature in that has become our most-requested enhancement:

Garment Conflict Management

As a musician performing in front of a worshiping congregation, being dressed like a fellow band member can not only be embarrassing, but also a major distraction.  Even if you serve in a ministry where you aren’t performing on stage, wearing the same outfit as another team member can lead to general distrust, and even identity theft.

Enter Garment Conflict Management (GCM). This new feature is design to help you avoid the awkward, and potentially hazardous, situation of wearing an outfit that looks just like a fellow team member’s.  GCM is very easy and fun to use.  And the best part is, it’s included with every subscription level, for both Planners and Helpers.

Create your Virtual Closet

Using Facebook integration, you can direct to analyze your Facebook photos for the types of clothes that you wear.  WP will then create a Virtual Closet of clothes, specifically for you.  And you can always add more garments by uploading picture from your cell phone.

Real-time Conflict Management

Once your virtual closet is complete, is ready to protect you from ever being asked “Oh, are you two twins?” (not that there is anything wrong with actually being twins).  When you respond to an assignment in MyWP, you’ll see a new “Garment Selection” option.  Simply select the garment you plan to wear, and click “Submit Response”.

Now that WP knows what you plan to wear, it will be on the lookout for another team member who may pick a similar garment.  Should that team member make such a selection, he or she will be warned of the impending doom if they proceed with their pick.  If the person ignores the warning, you will be notified immediately (thus giving you time to make any outfit adjustments).

Future plans for this feature include:

  • “Garment Suggest” – WP picks your outfit based on a complex algorithm that considers the set lighting, weather forecast, and last time the outfit was worn.
  • “Color Coordinate” – Use when your band wants their outfits to go well together – without looking like the Partridge Family.
  • “Fashion Police” – Warns you when your clothes are out of style, and suggests new clothes to buy, based on your age, the instruments you play, the songs you have performed, and the number of Facebook Friends you have.
  • “Onstage Conflict Correction” – Uses WorshipPlanning’s Virtual Stage and a projector to make your conflicting garment appear a different color or pattern while you are performing.

We have invested significant resources into helping you reduce the stresses involved with serving at worship services.  This new feature now helps you reduce the awkwardness.

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